CreteDefender CP

What Is CP?
- A water-carried chemical treatment made of reactive silicates and surfactants that react within the concrete to fill the pores with a hard gel AND creates a clear, impervious water repellent barrier.
- For portland cement-based concrete and pavers that remains effective for at least 5 years.
- For use in all types of environments, temperate, extreme hot, extreme cold, and where frequent temperature fluctuations occur.
How CreteDefender CP Works
It Fills the Pores to Keep Salt and Water Out
CreteDefender CP works like a single application of our P2 product. It reacts with lime in concrete to create a gel that fills the pores and tiny cracks in the concrete. The gel hardens and restores concrete’s natural pH and renders it impervious to water, salt, and other chemicals. Its reaction penetrates deep into the slab…up to two centimeters further than water is absorbed into the concrete. This depth of penetration creates sufficient protection both to the concrete and the reinforcement. The reaction takes approximately 75 days to complete, though your concrete is protected after 24 hours.
It is a Water Repellent, too
CreteDefender CP is a water repellent, too, so you get the hydrophobicity that keeps water from entering even the top layer of the concrete. CP also reduces water absorption by 35%. (See Test Data)
Why Choose CP?
It is Great for Exterior Use
CreteDefender CP protects concrete from deterioration caused by salts, freeze/thaw cycles, abrasion, sand erosion, water, chlorides, and sulfates. It is not not affected by UV exposure, or weather. It does not change the slip resistance or color of the concrete. Plus, it’s quick and easy to apply.
CreteDefender CP is environmentally safe, non-hazardous, non-toxic and non-flammable. It has no smell, no Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s). View our test data here.
Where to Use CP
CreteDefender CP can be used anywhere you want to keep various types of exterior concrete and pavers from deteriorating.
- High and low quality
- Broom finished, or other rough texture
- Slab, pre-cast, structural
- Horizontal or vertical, old or new
- Concrete pavers, and other hard cementatious products
- Sidewalks
- Stairs
- Driveways
- Porches and patios
- Concrete pavers
- Landscaping brick
- Pre-cast-- birdbaths, sculptures, hardscape, benches
- Concrete column bases and columns
- Elevated walkways