EasyClean Application Instructions
EasyClean can be applied at a wide range of temperatures, but it is
best to apply below 90 degrees and above freezing.
HOT TEMPS: Temperatures over 90 degrees will result in less absorption-- and could create a more streaky appearance, as the product will cure more rapidly and backspray or backrolling will show.
COLD TEMPS: Temperatures below 40 degrees will result in longer dry times-- 2 hours may turn into 4 hours for initial cure at lower temperatures. Concrete pores will present tighter at low temps, as well.
EasyClean is a solvent-based product, which means it has a low flashpoint (albeit higher than gasoline or acetone). Do not smoke or allow any sparks to occur during application. Wear a respirator or mask, especially if applying indoors. Ventilate area as much as possible. Wear protective clothing, including gloves.
Test the substrate for permeability. Is the surface open to receiving this product? The surface must be porous enough for the product to penetrate and bond. A highly polished surface will create problems for the product to break the surface, which will inhibit bonding. If the pores are extremely tight or closed by surface polishing, etching will be necessary to open the pores. CreteDefender currently sells a safe, non-toxic etching cleaner called FORCE which will sufficiently open the pores without the use of harsh acids.
The surface must be clean and free of any prior sealers. Any etching, washing, scrubbing, etc. must be followed by a complete rinse, leaving no residue, cleaner or dirt on the surface. The surface must be absolutely dry before beginning application.
Using a fine mist sprayer, apply at a rate of 200-250 square feet per gallon. Work from one corner and move back as you apply. Make sure overlapping leaves a consistent thickness of product on the surface, as thicker or thinner areas may leave streaking. You are not saturating-- just applying a consistent full-coverage mist on the substrate. Surface should appear consistently wet and darker where product is applied. Apply in small sections at a time, masking adjacent areas so no overspray occurs. See our suggested equipment page for more help.
Avoid walking through freshly applied product-- shoes could carry footprints into undesired areas.
A second coat may be desirable on areas prone to attack from acids-- specifically, muriatic, acetic, or hydrochloric acids. In this case, a first coat at a rate of 200 square feet per gallon should be applied evenly. While it is still wet, reapply at the same rate.
While it can be used on existing surfaces to achieve superior results, applying on new installations will eliminate the process of cleaning, rinsing completely, and allowing for dry time. The substrate must be absolutely dry before applying this product.
If a severe acid attack removes a section of the sealer, it can be repaired and recoated by using a fine mist sprayer and lightly misting the compromised area.
EasyClean will enhance and enrich the appearance of your concrete, block, or pavers. It will deepen the color of all substrates, while leaving a rich sheen that will last as long as the product does.