CreteDefender FORCE

CreteDefender FORCE-- 

A revolutionary concrete cleaner, remover and etching solution.

  • All the performance of toxic and hazardous acidic solutions, without the hazards!
  • Use to etch existing concrete to prepare for coatings
  • Use to remove old coatings and finishes from concrete floors
  • Use to clean concrete spatter from equipment and surfaces
  • Use to clean stains and deposits off of concrete and other surfaces
  • Use to remove graffiti from buildings
  • Use to remove rust staining



FORCE  is a beast at cleaning dirt, oil, fluids, grease, grime, carbon deposits, efflorescence  and more from concrete floors and walls, as well as many other surfaces. Dilute 1 tor 3 parts water to one part Force, and watch as the staining lifts off and is easily rinsed away. Minimal dwell time, minimal scrubbing, no hazardous toxins, safe for the user and the substrate, and... gone!
The tanker on the right was cleaned of tar with FORCE. They used several passes and some good scrubbing, but you can see that even old, hot, sticky tar gives up when FORCE is used!
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CreteDefender FORCE 
can tackle an endless assortment of cleaning tasks... from oils to graffiti. From efflorescence to red wine. A truly versatile tool in your toolbox-- replacing most of the "specialty " products you currently carry.


FORCE will effortlessly clean concrete splatter from metal doors and posts, vehicles, and placement tools. Undiluted, or a dilution of 1 or 2 parts clean water to one part solution will provide all the strength you need to clean any excess concrete after your placement.

CreteDefender FORCE 
makes it possible to remove concrete spatter and slop from the placement equipment and tools you use. Get your fleet looking good and keep it that way with regular cleaning with FORCE. And, it makes it easy to remove any spatter from walls, doors, posts, asphalt, etc. that may get hit during the placement process. Leave the site knowing the place looks good!



Replace those muriatic and hydrochloric acid bottles with FORCE.
CreteDefender FORCE will etch your concrete, remove old coatings, and open the pores in preparation for coatings and sealer applications in one step. No need for harsh, toxic chemicals that must be neutralized and rinsed a second time before application of sealers.

Use CreteDefender FORCE 
to etch existing concrete... open the pores for sealer application. Remove existing sealers and coatings for application of new sealers. Clean rust staining, eliminate mold and mildew staining. Get it looking good before you coat it!

  CreteDefender FORCE is environmentally safe – Non-Hazardous, Non-Toxic, Non-Flamable, and contains No VOC’s.


CreteDefender FORCE
5-Gallon Concentrate

Our 5 Gallon Pails can be shipped individually or placed on 6 to 36-container pallets and shipped anywhere in the world. Each pail is shipped in concentrated form, and needs to be diluted according to the specific use.

FORCE can also be sold and shipped in 55 Gallon Drums.

Call us to talk about your needs!
