About Us
Profile of CreteDefender, Inc.
After years of covering up damaged concrete with a variety of expensive concrete
coatings that didn’t stop the deterioration, we at CreteDefender, Inc., thought:
“There has to be a better way!” Our original solution, CreteDefender P2, was created
22 years ago, and it’s been applied in hundreds of locations on over 50 million square feet.
We are dedicated to solving your concrete problems.
CreteDefender P2 was invented in 1995, but our first experience with the product was in
2003. One of our founders owned a business that applied coatings, stencils, and overlays
to existing concrete. He found that he was only covering up the damage, not stopping or
preventing it.
He had a client contact him to remove a competitor’s coating that had failed on the
sidewalks at a shopping center. The client heavily salts the sidewalks in the winter to
keep them safe for their customers. In the process of removing the coating, they all
noticed that the concrete was deteriorating. Salt had degraded the concrete and, while it
was still sound, it was soft and very easy to scratch. We began wondering “Is there a way
to address the source of the problem?”
We looked for a solution that would make the concrete harder AND prevent damage from
salt and freezing. We wanted to save our client the expense and interruption of having to
tear out and replace their sidewalks.
The solution was CreteDefender P2. Remarkably, removing and replacing the concrete
would have cost this client over 50 times as much as CreteDefender P2. Today, after 15
years of protection, the sidewalks are exactly as we left them... hard and undamaged.
In 2010, after using CreteDefender P2 on this project and over half a million other square
feet of concrete across the US, we acquired the product and founded CreteDefender, Inc.,
incorporated under the laws of the U.S.A. and registered with the State of Delaware.
Since that time, CreteDefender, Inc., has steadily grown and expanded its operations, and
currently sells product across the United States, and is represented in Canada, Mexico,
Korea, China, Indonesia, central and eastern Europe, east Africa, the Middle East, and
The recent addition of our CreteDefender MS2 (“Multi Surface Sealer”) and CP
(“Complete Protection”) products gives long lasting protection for a wide variety of
surfaces, including all types of concrete. All products provide exceptional, long-lasting
protection to prevent deterioration of concrete from salts, water and the chemicals it
carries, freeze-thaw cycles, and dusting. The P2 and CP products also protect against
abrasion and help restore the health of older concrete.
All products help you avoid the costs of replacing concrete and the safety hazards
presented by deteriorated concrete, as well as provide environmental benefits, including a
much lower carbon footprint from not needing to replace or repair concrete.
All of our products are Made in the USA