Keep It Looking New!
Shopping centers, office buildings, banks, schools, and even residences… At each, you strive to maintain the aesthetic appeal that supports a positive image. For your home, we call it “curb appeal.” And whether it’s your home, or a commercial or public facility, there is a lot invested in it – for good reason. A well-maintained appearance makes your property more attractive to potential customers, and conveys a positive image.
But, it’s common to see the sidewalks, driveways, and parking lots marred by crumbling and flaking. It’s common wisdom that concrete deteriorates.
With CreteDefender P2, the deterioration IS AVOIDABLE!
CreteDefender P2 permanently protects your sidewalks from salt, chemical, and freeze/thaw damage. One simple application of CreteDefender, and you can salt your sidewalks, parking lots, and driveways at will.
CreteDefender P2 strengthens the concrete and prevent salts and other chemicals from attacking it – permanently. As a side benefit, sidewalks protected by CreteDefender P2 are easier to clean and harder to stain.
It is possible to maintain that good “just poured” appearance for years, in spite of harsh weather and liberal doses of ice melting chemicals. And, since CreteDefender P2 is not a coating, it will never wear off or wear out.
So, give us a call at (877) 830-6008 today, or email us and arrange for a no-cost consultation.