Frequently Asked Questions:

1. What can I protect with CreteDefender P2™?
You can use CreteDefender P2 on any normal concrete surface (horizontal or vertical),
indoors or out, including warehouse/factory floors, driveways, sidewalks, garage and
basement floors, concrete walls, roadways, bridges, concrete posts, livestock barns, and
even airport runways! The surface to be treated needs to be a portland cement-based
concrete with a minimum compression rating of 4000 psi.
2. How often do I need to re-apply CreteDefender P2?
NEVER! Once it is applied according to instructions, CreteDefender P2 is permanent and never needs to be re-applied.
3. What should I use on concrete block, CMU’s, or brick?
CreteDefender MS2, our Multi-Surface Sealer is excellent for use on block, CMU’s, brick, and pavers. And unlike silane/siloxane waterproofing products, which need to be re-applied every 3 to 5 years, CreteDefender MS2 is guaranteed for 5 years, and will likely not need to be re-applied for 10 years or more.
CreteDefender P2 will not protect block or brick…the pores are too large. Cinder-based
concrete, and any large pore concrete, is simply too porous for CreteDefender P2 to
4. What product works on natural stone?
CreteDefender MS2 will work on stone. You can also use it on cast concrete stonework.
CreteDefender P2 may also be used to treat cast concrete stonework — both blocks and
pavers — as long as they meet the minimum 4000 PSI rating. However, we recommend
you use MS2 on cast concrete stonework, or if you want abrasion resistance, use our 2-
step Complete Protection (“CP”) product.
5. Are CreteDefender products safe for the environment?
Yes! CreteDefender P2 and CreteDefender MS2, as well as CreteDefender CP, will not
harm plants, and are non-toxic, non-hazardous, and will keep concrete from filling our
6. When can I apply CreteDefender products?
CreteDefender P2, MS2, and CP can all be applied to new or existing concrete.
If you are applying P2 to new concrete, you may apply it as soon as it is safe to walk on
without leaving a mark. Do not use any other curing agent. If you have used a curing
agent, you will need to pressure wash the surface of the concrete to remove the curing
agent before applying CreteDefender P2. (see question number 7.)
If you are applying MS2 to new concrete, you may apply it after 14 days have passed
since the concrete was poured. If you have used a curing agent, wait at least 28 days, and then pressure wash the surface of the concrete to remove the curing agent before
applying CreteDefender MS2.
If you are applying  Complete Protection (“CP”), you may apply
it as soon as it is safe to walk on without leaving a mark. If you have used a curing agent, you will need to pressure wash the surface of the concrete to remove the curing agent before applying CP.
7. Can I use CreteDefender P2 instead of a cure-and-seal product?
Yes and No. CreteDefender P2 does not work like conventional cure-and-seal products,
which form a temporary barrier on the surface of the concrete, preventing evaporation. If your project requires a cure-and-seal product that meets the ASTM C-309 or ASTM C-1315, CreteDefender P2 will not qualify because it does not prevent surface evaporation.
However, due to the way it encapsulates water during its reaction with the concrete,
CreteDefender P2 works very effectively as a cure-and-seal product, holding the water in the matrix of the concrete for up to 75 days, allowing the concrete to cure more
effectively. Moisture is critical to the curing process, and CreteDefender P2 keeps the
moisture locked in the concrete for use during the curing process, giving you a superior
8. What product should I use on stamped and/or colored concrete?
CreteDefender MS2 may be applied to any stamped or colored concrete, as long as the
concrete did not use a color release agent and has not had any other sealer applied to it.
If a release agent was used, or a sealer was previously applied, you must wait until the
sealer has worn off, or pressure wash the concrete to take it off.
You may use CreteDefender P2 as long as the coloring in the concrete has the dye in the
concrete mix when it was poured and did not use a color release agent. CreteDefender P2 lessens the impact of chemical bleaching and may even make the colors richer and
slightly more intense. It does not protect from UV bleaching. DO NOT use CreteDefender P2 on acid-stained concrete. Overall, for stamped concrete, we recommend using CreteDefender MS2.
9. Can I use CreteDefender P2 with conventional concrete sealers?
Yes, if you apply the sealer AFTER treating the concrete with CreteDefender P2. Used in
conjunction with CreteDefender P2, the sealer only serves as a cosmetic treatment, to
give the concrete a shine, or as a water repellent. For that reason, CreteDefender MS2
may be used after treating the concrete with CreteDefender P2. In those cases where P2
is used first, you will need to rinse the surface of the concrete to remove any residue
remaining from the application of CreteDefender P2, unless it has rained on the concrete since the P2 was applied.
On machine troweled concrete, CreteDefender P2 may leave a mild sheen, which will
gradually get glossier over time.
10. Can I use CreteDefender products with urethane, epoxy and acrylic coatings?
Yes, you may use CreteDefender P2 if you apply the urethane, epoxy or acrylic AFTER
treating the concrete with CreteDefender P2. CreteDefender P2 even improves the
bonding characteristics of the concrete. In general, CreteDefender P2 alone does not
change the look or texture of the concrete surface.
However, do NOT use CreteDefender MS2 or CreteDefender Complete Protection if you
plan to apply urethane, epoxy, or acrylic coatings.
11. Can I apply CreteDefender products on sealed, painted or coated concrete?
You will need to remove any sealer, paint, or coating before application. CreteDefender
P2, MS2, and CP are all chemicals that must come in contact directly with the concrete in order to work. CreteDefender products will not penetrate painted, sealed, or coated
12. Can I paint or stripe over concrete treated with CreteDefender P2?
Yes. In fact, paints and coatings (like epoxy and urethanes) will adhere better to concrete treated with CreteDefender P2.
However, you cannot paint or stripe over concrete treated with CreteDefender MS2 or
13. Is CreteDefender P2 safe to use on concrete floors in food preparation areas?
Yes! CreteDefender P2 is certified by the NSF International (formerly the National
Sanitation Foundation) and the USDA for use in food preparation areas.
CreteDefender MS2 and CP are not certified for use in food preparation areas.
14. What can I do if my concrete is already crumbling?
You will need to replace the concrete and then treat the new concrete with CreteDefender products.
15. Can I use CreteDefender P2 to waterproof a basement?
Yes, but you will need to make sure that the concrete is dry before you apply
CreteDefender P2. CreteDefender P2 will not seal large cracks or prevent water from
seeping through large cracks in the walls or floors.
We recommend CreteDefender P2 for this use. We do not recommend CreteDefender
MS2 or CP for waterproofing a basement.
16. Is application the same for smooth concrete (like a garage
or basement floor) as it is for a broom finished surface (like a
driveway or sidewalk)?
No. For P2, smooth concrete (machine troweled) directions are slightly different. You
need to agitate the floor with a stiff broom or a scrubber to help the P2 begin working
into the machine troweled concrete. You then need to be sure it is wet for at least 40
minutes. Also, only one application is needed. Full instructions are available on the
CreteDefender website or from a CreteDefender rep.
17. When I applied CreteDefender P2, my concrete got slick until it dried. Is that normal?
Yes. CreteDefender P2 creates a gel when it comes in contact with concrete. This gel is
slippery, but will go away as soon as the concrete dries.
18. When I applied CreteDefender P2, a white residue appeared when it dried. What happened and can I remove it?
The white residue is caused from either a puddle that didn’t get brushed away or from
salts being forced out of the concrete. Pressure washing with a 3000 PSI pressure washer will usually remove the residue.
19. Does CreteDefender P2 prevent oil stains?
CreteDefender P2 makes oil, grease, and food easier to clean off the concrete, and resists staining, though it does not entirely prevent it.
CreteDefender MS2 and CP will help prevent water-based stains, but will not provide
much benefit for oil stains.
20. Does CreteDefender P2 prevent efflorescence?
Yes. CreteDefender P2 eliminates the cause of efflorescence by reacting with and
encapsulating the calcium components in the concrete. Calcium is the primary element
in efflorescence. In addition, CreteDefender P2 inhibits water penetration into the
concrete, which is what would normally carry the calcium components to the surface.
CreteDefender CP works in a similar manner to prevent efflorescence.
CreteDefender MS2 does not help prevent efflorescence.
21. Can I apply CreteDefender P2 to joints holding brickwork together?
Yes. The CreteDefender P2 will not react with the brick. But, in order to minimize the
amount of CreteDefender P2 used, we recommend spraying it on with a targeted spray
nozzle that can focus the flow of CreteDefender P2 onto the cement-based joints.
CreteDefender MS2 will help protect both the brickwork and the joints, and is the
recommended solution for brickwork.
22. Many new sealers use an acetone or xylene base. CreteDefender P2 prevents absorption of those. What is the impact of Acetone and Xylene on concrete, and how does CreteDefender P2 change that impact?
Xylene and Acetone are carriers that flash (evaporate) relatively quickly, leaving the
pigments and sealer elements behind, thus creating a seal. They are not designed to
penetrate or bond to the concrete, but to allow the sealer elements and pigments to be
evenly distributed on the surface. Xylene and Acetone will evaporate quickly, and will
not affect the CreteDefender P2 treated concrete.
23. What about CreteDefender products' ability to protect against de-icers other than salt (sodium chloride), like magnesium and calcium chloride?
CreteDefender P2, MS2, and CP all inhibit chloride ion penetration, so it does not matter which chloride is used.
24. Why do you recommend NOT applying CreteDefender P2 to new residential driveways?
For residential driveways, we recommend you use CreteDefender MS2.
We have found that most residential driveways are simply not installed properly. Most
are poured too wet and finished too soon, trapping air bubbles just beneath the surface.
CreteDefender P2 WILL NOT prevent the surface from popping off in applications where the concrete had too much water in it, or was finished too soon. CreteDefender MS2 will.
If you do not treat your driveway with MS2, once the driveway has been through at least
two wet freeze/thaw cycles, you will know if your driveway was poured and finished
acceptably or not. If the surface starts to pop off, it was poorly done. If it is sound, then
you are one of the lucky ones and you can apply CreteDefender P2 in the spring or
summer before the next winter. Of course, you can apply MS2 at any time.
Salt damages the concrete slowly (usually 3-5 years before it starts to show on the surface unless you use copious amounts of salt). If you choose to apply CreteDefender P2 on a residential driveway, sidewalk or porch before the concrete has been through at least 2 wet freeze/thaw cycles, CreteDefender, Inc., will not warrant the product.
However, your concrete contractor should warrant his work for at least a year or two. If
you want to know how to tell your contractor how to specify and place your concrete, give us a call. We will happily provide you with that information. We want your concrete to last, and we want you to get the job done right!